Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

(Made with Cheezburger)

In general, my growth strengths are finding motivation inside myself, focusing on learning, taking a long-term view, and setting my own schedule and priorities. My growth weaknesses are being a perfectionist, playing it safe, thinking I am "not good" at something, and comparing myself to others. Specifically for this class, setting a schedule and priorities is really beneficial. In regards to my weakness of comparing myself to others in this class specifically, I can focus more on highlighting what everyone is good at and appreciating those strengths while still recognizing my own. 


  1. I really enjoyed your growth mindset! I know I struggle with comparing myself to others, too! If someone's writing gets more comments then mine I always have to squash the thought that I did something wrong! I really liked what you had to say about the long-term view. I think that in order to grow and move past these feelings of insufficiency, we have to understand and change our mindset from "not ever" to "not right now." We all grow and succeed at different times, so this is a great reminder to not count yourself out!

  2. I feel like I am awful at making a schedule for myself. I would say that that is one of my biggest weaknesses. I also share a lot of your attributes, though. I'm definitely a perfectionist and if something I turn in isn't perfect, it drives me up the wall. I also feel like a lot of the time I just complete certain things in order to say they're done, not with the intent of learning anything. That makes me sad, because I love to read and learn about many different things, but never seem to have the time.

  3. Kaitlin, I think just about everyone in this class knows exactly where you are coming from. We're always our own worst critics because we're the hardest on ourselves and expect perfection. When we don't do as well as we'd like it's really easy to get down on ourselves. I think you've done great with the class so far. Keep up the good work!

  4. I just reading the other girl in our blog comment group this week and her growth mindset was over the same thing. I also don't like trying new things. I like staying inside my comfort zone. I feel like I can't get my point across if I don't stay and play it safe. Playing it safe is something that is a normal to me. I like to play it safe instead of trying something new in fear of rejection.

  5. Hi Kaitlin!

    This picture is adorable and I love it. I can completely relate to being a perfectionist. It is almost tough being in this class because I want all of my stories to be absolutely perfect! I also am a victim of comparing my stories to other people. Great job!
