Sunday, December 4, 2016

Reading Notes: Old Nick and Kitty

("Water mill near a farm" via Wikimedia Commons)

-There was an old maid-servant named Kitty who lived on a farm
-She really wanted to get married, but everyone avoided her
-She attended every single dance, but was never asked to actually dance with anybody
-Then Kitty said she would actually dance if Old Nick came to the dance
-Then some mysterious person came to dance with her and everyone was laughing at her
-They hid their faces with their aprons
-Kitty was angry but she didn't let it bother her
-It was late, so Old Nick wanted to go back home but Kitty refused to let him leave
-He took her to the pond, hoping to throw her in
-He tried to do it, but she clung to his neck and wouldn't let go
-They went to Hell and nobody wanted Kitty to stay there
-Even a shepherd didn't want her and suggested that Old Nick "pickle her"
-Then he offered the Shepherd a ton of money to take her off his hands
-The Shepherd tried to drown her too, but it didn't work
-Nobody could get rid of Kitty, no matter how much money they spent or how hard they tried

Bibliography: "Old Nick and Kitty" from The Key of Gold by Josef Baudis; link to the reading online 

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