Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Reading Notes: Arabian Nights, Part A

-There is a genie and a fisherman
-Fisherman is being rewarded with amazing fish for freeing the genie
-Sultan is impressed by the fish
-Fisherman and Sultan go together to see the fish at a magical palace
-They come across someone who is half-flesh and half-stone?
-Basically the genie said the fisherman could use the magical lake for good fish every day but ONLY once a day otherwise he would be punished
-He was instructed to sell them to the Sultan who was very impressed and wanted to see the magical lake
-There are four hills past the mountains
-Sultan asks his guard if he has heard of the lake
-Just past the lake should be a magical palace
-black marble
-the gate was slightly ajar for some reason
-plush carpets, sofas and tapestres, golden ropes, blah blah blah
-Fountain with jewels
-Fisherman should realize it is the genie's palace
-Comes across a man who is half marble after screaming and he begins to tell his story
-Make it to where the genie turns those who use the lake for selfish reasons to marble

Bibliography: "The Arabian Nights' Entertainments" by Andrew Lang; link to the reading online

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